Can I Have Your Attention? By Curt Steinhorst
Inspiring Better Work Habits, Focusing Your Team, and Getting Stuff Done in the Constantly Connected Workplace
Section 7 Resources — Focus-Wise Leadership
Focus-Wise Presentation Tool Kit
Reflection Questions:
Chapter 20 — Ask yourself, “What is my crucial first filter to steer my focus? What’s keeping what I want, what they need, and what I can do from happening at the level it could?”
Chapter 21 — A focus-wise culture requires knowing who you are, but also what needs to change. What is keeping your team or organization from enacting healthy change?
Ch 22 — Do you have a plan in place to better train your team in emotional intelligence, effective communication, and digital competency—so that greater focus can occur?
Ch 23 — How will you foster emotional engagement among your team so that they feel more connected to the work?
Ch 24 — How can you challenge your team in such a way that it requires the necessary focus wisdom to rise to the expectation?