Is Your Work Meaningful? 4 Ways To Cultivate A More Fulfilling Career

In a world where the average person spends over 90,000 hours working, finding meaningful work stands out as a beacon. Here are four strategies that nurture attention and align work with values — helping cultivate a career with fulfillment and meaning.

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The Time Management Trap: A Fresh Perspective on Productivity

In the relentless pursuit of productivity, we find ourselves ensnared in the trap of time management – meticulously planning every hour, juggling tasks, and obsessing over the optimization of our daily schedules. Yet, despite our best efforts, busyness does not equality productive, and it’s easy to go through a whole day and not actually accomplish anything . It's time to shift our focus from the conventional paradigm of time management to a more holistic and effective approach: attention management.

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Productivity, Attention, Company Culture, Leadership Curt Steinhorst Productivity, Attention, Company Culture, Leadership Curt Steinhorst

8 Reasons Why You Can’t Focus at Work

Why can’t you focus at work? Attention is your most valuable asset at work — but instead of harnessing this superpower many companies put unspoken cultural restraints on how it is used. Keynote speaker Curt Steinhorst explains how to use attention for greater performance and satisfaction on the job.

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